Lilach Oren digital scrapbooking

June 12, 2012

Making cookies

There's nothing kids love more than cookies, especially homemade cookies with a Winnie the Pooh, Hello Kitty and Mickey Mouse characters.
So today after two weeks of waiting I got my pack in the mail contains those sweet cookie cutters with my son favorite characters.

My 3 years old son and I washed our hands and got started working on making some fun cookies together!
Here is the simple recipe that I have used for making the dough :
4 cups flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
3/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup oil
4 eggs
Put the mixture into dough, roll out on floured work surface, cut into shapes.
bake at 180 degrees for about 10 minutes

My son got all busy in the hard work I gave him and start catting shapes with our new cutters
he was so excited when he saw Mickey Mouse on the cookie he'd just cut

My son got tired after filled an entire tray and went to rest in front of the TV with Sponge Bob waiting for his cookies and milk and I ended up with four trays of sweet cookies

June 04, 2012

My man love's his music

I really love making  treasury on Etsy, I do not always have the time to do that but its so much fun to search Etsy for new, fun and beautiful handmade. this is what I have found today by searching man and music.
Click on the photo to go to my treasury.....

Photo of the day - Project life

My son is so funny and he totally knows how to pose for the camera... 
this is how he looked like on the way home from the kindergarten today
- Today photo for my project life 2012 -

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