Lilach Oren digital scrapbooking

September 21, 2009

Photo A Day - Armed and asleep

I wanted to wake my son up and when I got to his room I saw the way his sleeping and what is laid next to him I just had to run and get my camera - He will be so angry at me for this photo but I had to!! that's what happened to you when you are the son of a scrapper girl.
Photo A Day - Sep. 21...The night before he was making a sort movie with lots of shooting effect so I guess that he just forgot his toy gun on his bad and just fall asleep... But it was so funny to see....


  1. My initial response to that photo was AACCCCKKKKK! Holy cow, that would have given me a heart attack!

  2. good photo..but instantly scarey lol

  3. Hahaha! how old is he? my nephew is almost 8 and he showed up at my niece's birthday party with a toy shotgun, and carried it everywhere during the party!!! it's that age I guess!!!


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